Voice regcognition Software?
This week I started using Dragon NaturallySpeaking voice recognition software and I am incredibly impressed. I first saw this demonstrated in the early 1990s in New York and I thought the voice recognition aspect was very good, especially as the salesman had a really strong New York accent and the machine seemed to understand what he was saying however laying out a document seemed quite cumbersome at that time. I have since been reintroduced to the system by Garry Dawson of Voice Text www.voicetext.co.uk who installed my system on Tuesday and I am amazed at how quickly I was up and running.
There are some issues with personal names and postcodes and I am still getting used to having to dictate the punctuation but other than that most of the documents I have produced have not had any errors in them at all in spite of using a lot of technical language. I have not encountered substantial problems with the layout either, and certainly no more than I was having anyway with my inadequate word processing skills. I decided to go with Garry’s support rather than simply buying the software online to benefit from his expertise and that investment has certainly been worthwhile. I will have another session with him next week to iron out some of the little problems I am having and to learn some more advanced techniques but I can certainly recommend this to anyone wanting to save time on producing documents especially where there is a need to produce quite lengthy documents outside of normal business hours.